Have Anxiety About The Dentist? Try These 4 Things

If you have a fear about going to the dentist, know that you are not alone.  It is so common there is even a term for it called dentophobia. Instead of having your next trip to the dentist be unbearable, try dealing with your anxiety with these 4 things. Talk With Your Dentist About Your Fears When dental anxiety is a big problem, it is important that everyone working on your teeth knows about it.

3 Questions Answered About Veneers

Making significant changes to your teeth may allow you to feel more self-confident about your appearance. If you have teeth that are uneven, you may want to consider getting dental veneers. This dental process can typically be completed in only two visits to your dentist and is relatively painless. If getting veneers is on your list of things to do, you may want to have some important questions answered beforehand.

Is There Such A Thing As A Quick Fix In Cosmetic Dentistry?

Dental problems such as cavities, tooth decay and gum disease can cause serious problems if not dealt with quickly and efficiently. These problems are usually considered general issues and are fairly common. The area of cosmetic dentistry helps you to feel better about your smile and overall tooth appearance. You might believe the fixes are harder to make when problems arise. Is there such a thing as a quick fix in cosmetic dentistry?

My, What Clean Teeth You Have: 3 Ways To Floss Unafraid

Flossing your teeth is one of those chores that seems exceptionally hard to remember to do; by the time you remember most nights, you've already brushed your teeth, slipped into your pajamas, and are drifting off into dreamland. But flossing is important – it freshens your breath and cleans away plaque that otherwise would stick around and rot your teeth. So how do you make this boring and often painful task more interesting and less painful?

The Three C's Of Picking General Or Local Anesthesia For Wisdom Teeth Extraction

There are a ton of factors involved in getting your wisdom teeth out, and picking the right places to splurge and spend is the key to getting out of the whole endeavor with the least amount of discomfort and the most money left over in your wallet. In order to best examine this complex set of issues, it's easiest to break them down into three categories and look at each individually.