3 Things to Know About Dental X-Rays

One part of getting a routine dental checkup is to have X-rays taken of your teeth. However, you're likely wondering what all the various terms mean that your dentist is using, and how you can make sense of that X-ray on your own. Here are three things you should know to better understand your dental X-ray. Know the Difference Between Radiolucency and Radiopacity Anything in your X-ray that is dark is called radiolucent.

Can You Speed Up Your Dental Implant Surgery Recovery Time?

As a form of surgery, the procedure to install dental implants isn't particularly intensive or invasive. You can go home the same day, and you will be feeling considerably better by the following day. It's not necessarily back to business as usual, since the site of the implant still needs to heal and adequate healing is crucial for the success of the implant. Still, you might be wondering if there's any way you can speed up the process?

Why Store-Bought Grind Guards Aren't The Answer For TMJ Sufferers

If you struggle with the symptoms and pain caused by temporomandibular joint disorder, chances are you want a solution. What might seem like an easy fix is to reach for a store-bought grinding guard, but is this really what you should do? Surprisingly, store-bought grinding guards may not be the best choice for your situation. Here's what you should know. Why You Should Have One Grinding guards, in general, are an excellent choice for people with TMJ.

Top Tips For Experiencing Less Pain During Routine Dental Cleanings

Are you almost considering canceling your upcoming appointment for a dental cleaning and checkup because you are worried it will be too painful? A lot of people experience pain during dental cleanings, but did you know that there are ways you can reduce the pain and sensitivity issues you experience during routine cleanings? Here are some of the best tips to help you accomplish this. Start using sensitive-teeth toothpaste now

4 Benefits Of Scheduling A Teeth Cleaning

Taking care of your teeth will allow you to enjoy better dental health. You'll want to schedule a time for a dental cleaning when this is necessary. There are many benefits of getting your teeth cleaned by a professional dental hygienist. Knowing some of the reasons to do so may be very helpful to you. 1. Find decay One of the things that must be done to preserve your teeth is finding and fixing decay.