What's The Best Teeth Whitening Option For You?

Ready for a brighter smile? Feel like your teeth aren't as white as they used to be? It's natural for teeth to fade or even become yellow as you get older. They can be impacted by food, coffee, and even natural aging. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to bring the shine back to your teeth and give yourself a more radiant smile. There are a wide range of whitening options at your disposal.

Child Coping with Parental Loss by Sucking Their Thumb? Dental Damage May Result

Very young children should never have to deal with the death of a parent, but this tragedy frequently occurs and is always devastating. In fact, a child may find themselves coping with the resulting mental health issues by sucking their thumb and causing severe dental damage that their surviving parent needs to help them avoid as much as possible. Early Parent Loss May Cause Severe Complications Losing your partner has been hard on you emotionally but even worse on the child you two shared.

Factors That May Heighten Risk For Post-Implant Infection

If you are discouraged because you have missing teeth or if your bite is uneven, then talk to your dentist about getting dental implants. While most people sail through the implant procedure, others may have risk factors that can raise their risks for developing an infection after implant surgery. Here are some factors that may heighten your risk for a post-implant infection and what you can do about them: Diabetes