3 Things To Know About Dental Extractions

Having a tooth extracted is something that many have to deal with at some point in their lives. Whether it's your wisdom teeth being removed or other teeth, extractions are often the best way to deal with a problematic tooth. Teeth that have been damaged due to injury, illness, or decay often need to be removed through extraction. If you need a dental extraction, there are a few things that you need to know. Here are three things to keep in mind.

There Are Different Types of Extractions

The first thing that you should know is that there are different types of dental extractions. Simple extractions involve removing a tooth that is visible within the mouth. A dentist will often perform this type of extraction and use local anesthesia. This type of process is often used for damaged or decayed teeth or for when teeth need to be removed for orthodontic treatment. Surgical extractions are used for teeth that are not visible in the mouth or that have broken off. Surgical extractions are performed by oral surgeons and general anesthesia may be needed for this type of extraction.

The Cost

When it comes to dental extractions, costs will vary depending on whether you need a simple or a surgical extraction. Whether or not you have dental insurance will also have an impact on how much you pay. On average simple extractions will cost between $75 and $300 per tooth. Surgical extractions range on average between $150 and $650 per tooth. Insurance will typically cover between 70 and 80 percent of the total cost if the extraction is needed for medical reason. Emergency extractions may cost more than ones that are planned ahead of time. 

Healing Time

After getting a tooth extracted, following post-care instructions is key. You will need to keep the extraction site clean and eat soft foods for at least a few days. Healing time will vary depending on the type of extraction you have and your overall health. The initial healing period is typically between one and two weeks. A painful condition called dry socket happens to around 5 percent of people who have a tooth extracted. With dry socket, bone, tissue, and nerves can be exposed if the site doesn't properly clot. This condition must be treated by a dentist.

If you are getting an extraction, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, there are two types of extractions, simple and surgical. Costs can vary but are typically a few hundred dollars. Healing time can vary but around 5 percent of people develop a condition called dry socket that requires further attention. 
