Reasons For Dental Extractions

A dental extraction is the removal of a tooth. There are many instances in which a dental extraction is suitable. Here are a few of them

Severely Decayed Teeth

A tooth can become so decayed that it cannot be salvaged by other types of restorative treatments, such as fillings or root canals. In these instances, a dental extraction may be necessary. If a severely decayed tooth is allowed to remain in the mouth, not only can the tooth cause extreme discomfort, but it can also spread to decay to healthy teeth.

Primary Teeth That Refuse to Shed

Sometimes, a primary tooth becomes loose as it prepares to be replaced by a permanent tooth. However, the tooth may fail to release from the mouth, even as the permanent tooth presents. When this occurs, the primary tooth can be extracted.

Problematic Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth that are permitted to remain in the mouth can develop problems over time. They may be more likely to decay due to the restricted cleaning space in the rear of the mouth. Additionally, a wisdom tooth can cause alignment issues for other teeth.

If there is too little room in the mouth for a wisdom teeth to present easily, the tooth may place so much pressure on adjacent teeth as the wisdom tooth emerges from the gums that it forces nearby teeth out of position. Also, wisdom teeth can grow at an irregular angle beneath the gums. This can cause discomfort, even though the wisdom tooth may never erupt or present.

Wisdom teeth that have not broken through the gums but still require removal must be extracted surgically.

Teeth That Are Crowded

Before an orthodontic application, such as braces, is used to correct a dental alignment, some teeth may need to be extracted. People who suffer from dental crowding have too little space in their mouth for the number of teeth that have presented. If the extra teeth are not removed before the start of an orthodontic treatment, there may be too little room for the teeth to shift into proper alignment.

Teeth That Have Cracked into Parts Through their Roots

Sometimes, a tooth is severely damaged when a person bites down on something that is hard. The crack that may occur may separate the tooth into separate components through its roots. When this occurs, the tooth must be extracted. There are no applications available to restore it.

To learn more about dental extractions and when they are suitable, schedule an appointment with a dentist, like one from A Q Denture Services, in your local area.
