It Might Be Infected: 4 Signs You Could Have A Dental Infection

To help keep your teeth healthy, you should see your dentist at least twice a year. Those semi-annual exams and cleanings can help catch minor issues before they turn into major problems. If you've been having dental problems, you shouldn't postpone going to the dentist. Cavities, gum problems and even decay can quickly escalate into a raging infection if you're not careful. Here are four signs of dental infection you should be aware of. If you develop any of the following symptoms, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Foul Odor Coming from Your Mouth

A sudden onset of bad breath, or a foul taste in your mouth may be a sign of infection. This is particularly true if you have tooth decay that hasn't been properly cared for. As the tooth continues to decay, bacteria can build up under the gum line and around the tooth. If you've been brushing and flossing as usual but the bad breath continues, you should make an appointment to see your dentist.

Pain That Gets Worse Over Time

In addition to bad breath, tooth decay can also lead to severe pain. Often the toothache pain is the result of an infection around the root. Try rinsing your mouth with salt water several times a day. If the toothache pain is caused by something other than an infection, the salt water should alleviate the discomfort. However, if the pain continues or worsens, you might have an infection that will need to be treated.

Increased Swelling of the Mouth and Gums

Without proper treatment, infections can cause your gums to swell. Dental infections such as periodontal disease can also lead to swelling of the mouth and gums. If you develop swelling and bleeding around your teeth, or you see yellowish pus oozing from around the gum line, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible. Swelling, bleeding and a yellowish discharge are all signs of a dental infection. You should notify your dentist immediately if you develop an abscess on your gums.

Fevers That Don't Go Away

Unexplained Fevers are another sign of infection. If you have a fever that has not responded to fever reducers, or has gotten gradually worse over time, you should notify your dentist as soon as possible.

Dental infections are no laughing matter. If you develop any of the symptoms discussed above, you should contact your dentist. You may have an infection that will need to be treated. To prevent dental problems, you should see your dentist for teeth cleaning at least twice a year.
